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Writer's pictureJennie Miles


Updated: May 16, 2021

When it comes to understanding the mysteries of the world, it can seem daunting and overwhelming. There are so many different things to factor in and look at, but there’s only one looking at us. His name is Jesus. Jesus, the man alive today. The man who understands what it means to be fully God and yet fully human. The man who came to this world with one mission; LOVE. This love revolutionized the world not by might , not by power, but by His strength. Jesus is the first type of man that realized on a fundamental level that He is a son of God. He is completely God’s, and God is completely His. He knew from the beginning how connected He was with the Father(God).

They were one. When you see Jesus, you see the Father. You’re seeing Him for His character, and His power. This is an example for us, being that by taking on the name of Jesus we become “sons” of God as well. But Jesus wasn’t just a son of God, he was THE son of God. Jesus was God, robed in flesh, with no fault, pure and blameless, without sin so that through the sacrifice made on Calvary we can be saved by grace. In the world, we’re taught to fight. We’re taught to put ourselves first, and to put others last. Jesus never did that, not once. He always considered the other person. He always considered what it meant to forgive, and show compassion to the sinner. Love covers a multitude of sin. Was it because He was almighty Jesus , that He was able to see people this way? It wasn’t because He was Jesus. It was because He was love. Love doesn’t boast, it completely is overwhelmed with the understanding of freedom that turns one around to bring others into the light of righteousness.

The sweet word of His righteousness. The right standing with God. The very power of God that allowed us to see that we are His now. We weren’t just sinners saved by graced , we were children void of the perception of love. I want to encourage believers everywhere of purity , and not allowing bitterness or jealousy , or many other characteristics that try to take root in our hearts. Let’s remember the holiness and knowledge of Him, that continues us to be in step with His spirit and not miss our true selves, and the destiny and legacy He’s calling us all too. Righteousness is not just something we sing on Sundays, it’s the revelation that we are free from guilt, shame, and condemnation. Which frees us to have joy, peace, light, and liberty that flourishes for all mankind to look and see what is different in us. Our love , our sweet righteousness.

-Daniel “Danny” Perdomo

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